I would like to just take a moment to write an ode to the land of cows, chocolate and banking, SWITZERLAND. My parents have lived their for the past 10 years and while some may call it boring or sterile they certainly have gotten a few things right- and one of those things is RECYCLING. As an avid recycler I couldn’t help but notice how chic and easy the recycling system is in Switzerland- it’s no wonder everyone there recycles. Check out these sexy recycling bins!!
Simple Human must have come to Switzerland and studied these PUBLIC bins for inspiration for their collection! I was completely fascinated- I mean they have like 10 bins there with these great pictures to illustrate what goes where- even the graphics are drool worthy!
I tell you, this recycling spot was like a hub, there was recycling traffic! The kids bring the recycling on their bikes and drop it off on the way to school, mothers would bring it with them and drop it off on walks with the strollers . . . it has been completely integrated into the culture. Twice a month they have these cute young folks that come and help any one who may be confused about how to recycle.
Lastly, they even have a rule about hours you can and can’t recycle, as to not make too much noise in the early morning or evening.
Boy those Swiss, I think we certainly have a few things to learn from them about how to make taking care of our planet that much sexier and easier.
Connie @ SogniESorrisi says
Switzerland is such a beautiful country!
HanneeNz says
Just stumbled across your blog and I love it! Such gorgeous design features, and I LOVE recycling, what a great project in Switzerland, we definitley need to sort out something like that everywhere.
YIGII says
Switzerland does really good in recycling management!