With all of my amazing gadgets (thank you Steve Jobs, you are missed) it’s easy to forget to go back to the basics. Lately I’ve been drawing (doodling?) at night–trying to keep my fingers in shape–and not just for typing.
Do you draw? It’s amazing how different and fun it is to see what one can come up with with just pen and paper…
dasmaedchenmitdenlocken says
that’s such a nice doodle.
you should take a pen into your hands more often!
GB says
Love that doodle!!
Faith says
your a doodle master boo! Will you come doodle on my entire living room wall?? !!
Justina Blakeney says
@dasmaedchenmitdenlocken DANKESCHONE! I think I’ll take your advice!
@GB Thanks you!
@Faith Thank you and YES!