Before spending this much time in Scandinavia, I always thought that I really appreciated Scandinavian design, but that the aesthetic was very different from my bohemian/global/jungalicious vibe. I imagined everything with super clean lines (borderline sterile) lots and lots of white on white. I was thinking more minimal, less maximal. I was wrong. That’s what I get for stereotyping. My bad.
Since being here not only have I realized how much Scandi style has affected my own aesthetic, but also, how rather boho a lot of the design is here. too. That is what influenced this post of an aesthetic that I’m gonna go ahead and call Scandibo.
(Above, examples of Scandi-Inspired design in my Jungalow)
(More examples of Scandibo Style from my #justinaincopenhagen Instagrams)
In every other shop here there are rattan chairs with cozy sheepskin throws. There are colorful textiles (think Marimekko and Josef Frank) and vintage bentwood lamps. There are A TON of indoor plants here, too. Looking up into the apartment windows the windowsills are crowded with planties–especially split-leaf philodendrons. And generally speaking, everything is very colorful here. Yes, most of the walls indoors and even the floors are white–but it sets a clean backdrop for a tone of fun, colorful, quirky and playful accessories. Plenty of floral motifs, and Eastern art (like Buddah statues, Indonesian dolls and Turkish kilim) So now I’m thinking that I want to repaint the walls in the Jungalow when I get home a bright white and do about five thousand other things with the wealth of Scandibo inspo I’m gettin’ over here. What do you think? Do these images of Danish and Scandinavian design fit your conceptions?
Image Sources from the Roundup:
Ceramic with bamboo handle
Ceramic with bamboo handle
Woven Lounge Chairs
Rattan Lounge Chairs
Pendant Lamps
Stig Lindberg Ceramics
Dansk Kobenstyle Cookware
Vintage Dala Horses
Colorful, Styled Images at bottom of Roundup all via Gudrun Joden
Moon to Moon says
I love those Dansk Kobenstyle Cookware pans. My Finish Friend has some beautiful ones. I oogle them every time i go to her house.
Thank you for making me excited about my holiday
Mina says
I found my look!! Scandibo! Loooooove it! :-D
t olugbala says
i love this! it makes me want to include more color in my abode :)
catie says
oooh! i dig scandibo.
you are a stylecombiner & trendsetter & wordmaker : )
Justina Blakeney says
teehee. Thank you Catie. :D
louise says
LOVE. This is exactly what I am always going for in our home.. crisp white, with mixes of ethnic textiles, Scandinavian design, greenery… love following your time in Copenhagen via instagram!
Sarah says
Hi Justina,
Love the post, very inspiring :) Just wondering what plants they are that you have growing in water in your second hanging planter pic?
Justina Blakeney says
Money plant!
Anonymous says
I LOVE Scandibo! So Chic and fresh!
Yetunde says
I love scandibo! (love how quickly that became a thing)
in the first picture as colorful and boho as everything looks, there are still definitely clean lines.
btw, really enjoying your tour of scandinavia!
Yetunde says
oops, i meant the first pic of the second grouping.
Luna says
Yes, yes, yes!!! This is exactly what I love about Scandi style… simplicity and colour. I’m currently building a home and am drawing inspiration from a lot of Scandinavian sources… and Japanese minimalist sources… hopefully I’ll be able to meld it together and make it work!
kate says
Hello PLEASE what type of rug is that awesome one featured in the Apartment? I love it but cannot actually see a description of it online. The tan one with awesome bright colour detail. Love love my new fav rug.
Justina Blakeney says
Hello, the rug is from here (although it’s sold) : it’s vintage Berber rug–very unusual one–I’ve never seen one quite like it. If I come across anything similar I’ll post it up here as many have asked about it.
Kate says
Thank you, I,thought I’d check but I am off to live,in Cph so,maybe ill find e :-)
Nan says
That is actually a really, really good made-up word because å bo means to stay, live or reside (infinitive form). You can use it to say where you live, dwell or stay, or it can mean room or digs, and is attached to “sam” to indicate living with someone or the partner you live with etc (it has the same meanings in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish). Great new term! :)
Justina Blakeney says
That is SO COOL!! Thanks for letting me know!! TAK TAK!
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Everything is very open with a very clear clarification of the issues.
It was definitely informative. Your site is very useful.
Thanks for sharing!
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Zufaellig bin ich auf eurem Portal gelandet und muss sagen, dass mir diese vom Design und den Informationen richtig gut gefaellt.
Sabrina says
Where are the hanging pieces from???
Emily says
Thank you for this nice sharing. Great post.