I just saw that movie Boyhood which is such a lovely and inspiring movie–and there is this one scene where the boy asks his father if Elves are real. The father goes on to talk about magic on earth, like how whales are really magical…I kept on thinking about that scene while wandering through the great halls of the Museum of Natural history last week. With corridors packed with the most incredible gems and crystals…with colors and textures that truly seem out of this world, to a greenhouse full of the most magical butterflies that flutter around you carelessly and sit, for just a moment on your shoulder…
If you’re in need of a little inspiration this week, make time to go to the Natural History Museum, and then go and checkout the movie Boyhood. I assure you that afterwards this world will feel just that much more magical.
nicole valentine don says
Stunning!!! Oh so m a g i c a l!
Tana Gandhi says
I just watched that movie this past week and left feeling exactly the same way. I can’t believe they shot this movie in the span of 10 years–which kind of feels like magic in itself–committing to one project for that long! :) I’ll make it a point to visit this museum next. So many on my list!
Maria says
I must see “Boyhood”! It looks so whimsical. :)
Deborah Heard says
These stones look very beautiful, you should definitely see this museum, my son can be quite excited in this museum.
jenny josh says
thanks for sharing its good to see keep going all the best
myhtspace says
its magical wow im happy to see these post keep sharing such stuff
the impossible game says
I must say that this photographer’s aesthetics is just amazing. They have captured the magic moment in the most casual setting!
Princewill Emmanuel says
Good, well educative to read, Thank You
dino game says
It’s a big collection.
slope says
I must say that this photographer’s aesthetics is just amazing.
randolph says
I just watched that movie this past week and left feeling exactly the same way. slope
Jessica Collins says
The vivid imagery of the gems, crystals, and butterflies really brings to life the sense of awe that nature can inspire.contexto
Jessica Collins says
It’s moments like these that remind us of the magic all around contexto us