I was first introduced to the concept of the single line drawing through the artwork of my late Uncle Bert. He was a painter and a jewelry maker, and although he passed away before I was born, I’ve always feel close to him because I grew up surrounded by his artwork. His single line drawings always had a particular affect on me. I remember as a young girl tracing the lines with my eyes, up, down around and seeing how the lines played with negative and positive space to create a figurative image, and finding the starting and end points.
I’ve found myself doing them more and more over the years. I find the exercise to be extremely therapeutic. When working on the single line drawings, ones hands are in constant movement and it’s impossible to hesitate–you just have to forge ahead.
I really enjoy doing faces. Below, watch me in action.
Here are some of the faces I’ve done this year. I like to go in after the basic single line is done and add additional lines with a thinner pen to add more detail.
If you are a person that is very heady or if you’re feeling stuck in a creative rut, I find that the single line drawings can really help. Give it a try! All you need is pen and paper!
rebecca says
I love your single line drawings on instagram! I would purchase these in an instant!
Melissa says
Wonderful drawings and so crazy to come across this article this evening. I used to love doing these in high school (which is eons ago) and I was just daydreaming this afternoon that I want to start doing these portraits, first of my two boys, but also of others. I started thinking about where my old portfolio was to pull my old work out, and how I wanted to get some watercolors to add to the contour drawings. Just so inspired to see this post by you and the universe telling me to do it!
Deb OReilly says
I love this Justina, thank you for sharing, keep me posted with more please
Jean Gogolin says
Love, love, love! Going to start doing these again today!
happy wheels new says
Where can I purchase a hanging fruit bowl like the one in the picture?
scramble words says
Thank you so much for the best game give to us and i want to say all user that come here and play hard.
Deborah Brown says
Justina, you really have the corner on Bohemian decorating! I love your books. I’ve learned so much from them. Like you, I’m all about color, pattern and plants. I even do the Frida Kahlo hair when it’s hot outside. I see us as kindred spirits.
Camrin Brown says
We study a course of Religion in Art, so I need to type my paper about religious motifs in drawings of the patients suffering from depression and psychological trauma. It’s a coursework study paper https://essaytyper.pro/ for my academic assessment at Catholic University of Mozambique.
Gerti says
Hello, can I use one of your drawings to embroider a t-shirt for strictly personal use? (absolutely non commercial, only for myself). I like your work a lot
bebogra says
This is truly an impressive work of art, check it out in Geometry Dash Scratch