I think this is my favorite papasan style EVER!
I was drawn to this one cause I love triptychs – ok what do you call it when there
are 4 panels- quadriptych?! Wow that sounds funny. Anyhow, Justina said the clouds
ruin it – your thoughts?
Sweet right?
I almost bought this dog house- and I don’t even have a dog.
Bulgarian rugs- those magentas and turquoises- ah, my favorites of the moment!
Mid-Century signage – LOVES IT.
Uh, yes. I went to Target- last week, with my munchkin (pictured below), at 7:30
AM to buy a few Missoni home decor items for some clients. It was TOTAL
MAYHEM. I have never, ever experienced such a thing in my life. We were lucky
to leave with our lives- and a few random other goodies as well. I think I can
honestly say that it was an interesting anthropological observation and I am
NEVER doing another one of those sociological studies again. At least not without
2 assistants and a BB gun ;)
Favorite music of the week . .. the Paul Simon station on PANDORA . . .
You gotta check out these dance moves. Paul Simon in Zimbabwe- does it
get much better than that?
shari says
I really like that big, almost-papa-san chair… other than how old the cover looks. I want that red suitcase, too. As for the four panels (quadriptych?) I kind of agree… don’t like those weird clouds. They look like an after- thought.
Why were there so many people at Target? That’s crazy! Was there some kind of half-off sale, or something? I don’t like those kinds of single-minded crowds… they’re more like a mob. Scary!!
Your daughter is adorable!! xo
Will @ Bright.Bazaar says
That four panelled picture is AMAZEBALLS! Love it.
Faith says
Shari- yes- that papasan wow- and agreed, a re-upholstery would def. be in order!
Target is doing a collaboration with Missoni (the old Italian fashion house), and they opened the sale on September 13th- at the Target I went to here in LA the shelved had been entirely cleared by 8:08am- 8 minutes after opening!!
Will- so you don’t mind the clouds?! :)
Judith Westerfield says
The clouds ruin an ugly quadra-tich!
Justina Blakeney says
oh yes controversy on the blog, nice!! I think that this is the first time anyone has called anything ugly on this blog! Ha!Chime in please– do you agree (because aside from the clouds, I LOVE it!)
Manu says
I love them! Mainly ’cause the one in the far right is the Obelisco in Buenos Aires! (or may be the one in DC?)
.. and about those blue bacon-ish clouds, may be you can lighten the color a bit. Besos!